It is still not too late to find a cheap flight to Warsaw. This includes Rome (see our suggestions in the previous email/post).
We have a few unused slots for talks. Our plan is to open them to online participants who are students or postdocs. If you are a student or postdoc and want to give a talk remotely, via Zoom, please submit your title and abstract preferably by Monday via the registration form at (If you have already registered, please register again.) If you have any time constraints, please indicate them at the beginning of the abstract (use Warsaw local time) and we will do our best to find a working slot. If there are a lot of submissions, we may assign less time to each talk and if this does not help, we may assign slots on the first–come first–serve basis.
If you have not registered but you are coming in person, please do this ASAP. If you are planning on joining remotely, this will also help us with keeping you updated.